What if The Soul Saver were a movie?

I had a very interesting question come in an interview for The Soul Saver—who would I cast in the character roles if it were made into a movie. Are you kidding? How much fun would that be! So I did what any writer does when looking for visuals for their characters. I went internet surfing.

And texted one of my best friends for suggestions. Yes, I needed help! But between the two of us, here is the cast I could see playing the characters in The Soul Saver.


Lexie Baltimore is about 5’8”, is slim in build, has dirty-blond long curly hair, has hazel brown eyes and is most comfortable in jeans, loafers and a fitted, button down shirt with a colorful camisole peaking out the top. She a sculptress, a wife and a mom to a “sporty” eight year old boy. Lexie is also a believer who is spiritually mismatched.  God wakes her in the night with a vision of the location and then she goes into her studio to sculpt the face of the person God’s sending her to help. She knows it’s not the norm but she’s obedient and very committed in her faith.  I thought Jennifer Morrison would be a great match for Lexie.


Hugh Baltimore is about 6’2” and his built pretty solid. He has blue-gray eyes and light brown hair, which he wears short and neat. Since he’s a physics professor, he wears casual slacks with a button down shirt rolled up at the sleeves most days. He’ll occasionally wear jeans.  Hugh’s strength is his intellect. Ironically, it’s also his weakness because it keeps him from accepting God is real. Josh Lucas is the perfect match for Hugh.


Nate Winslow is very close in build and looks to Hugh. I did that on purpose to bring more believability to Lexie’s attraction to another man besides her husband. Touchy subject, I know, but she later realizes what she’s really drawn to is that he’s a man of faith (at least appears to be) unlike her husband. So, Nate is just over six foot. He has blond hair and light blue eyes—probably his most similar feature to Hugh. Nate is also a dad and widower. He holds a dark secret that is being used against him to be pawn in destroying Lexie and her marriage. I found this picture of Bradley Cooper and even Nate’s attitude is there. The only thing different is that Nate has blond hair.


Tobias Rickman is actually a demon in human form. Yep, you heard me right. A demon. He’s pretty subtle but very present and determined to take Lexie down so that Hugh remains lost. Those are the stakes in this story—a man’s soul! I hate to admit but finding who would Tobias was actually fun! Terence Stamp was just perfect!

Comments 8

  1. Dineen,
    I love these picks for a movie version of Soul Saver. Especially your pick for Lexie and Tobias! Awesome!

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  2. I LOVE Terrance Stamps for Tobias! I actually pictured him that way only a bit younger. But the facial expressions fit perfectly! I imagined Hugh and Nate just the same and I love the looks in Jennifer’s eyes for Lexie too!
    I know Lexie’s attraction to Nate is a touchy subject but I’m soooo glad you wrote about it! We as women of faith need to realize that the devil will not spare any expense in trying to derail us in our faith or in the contribution to our husband’s unbelief. We cannot act like we are so holy that we will never stumble, we are human and fleshy and we have to stay connected to God at all times in order to stay sober! That’s why this book is so great because you made it so real! Love it:-)

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  3. This book is beyond great! It’s so vivid & detailed that while reading it, it’s almost like a movie! I recommend it to everyone. You did great.😉 What inspired you?
    Have you ever thought about letting someone produce it as a movie???

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      Thank you! I’m so glad you liked the story and thank you so much for sharing it with others! My own life and ministry to the spiritually mismatched inspired the book and some parts are actually from my own life with some modification, of course. I’ve been told before it would make a great movie by readers. That would be amazing! 🙂

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