At a Crossroads

Don’t you just love it when you’re trundling (yes, I’m using that word) along and everything seems to be headed where you thought and then a phone call later, it’s a whole different picture?

Yes, I’m being somewhat facetious here. I don’t love this scenario but I’m learning to be thankful in these times because it usually means God has brought me to a place of change. I don’t like change either but I know I need it.

So, here I am at this crossroads and the choices are not at all what I thought they would be. They are different than what I imagined my future to be. I’m mourning the lost of what I envisioned and am trying to embrace what God seems to have in store for me. It’s not clear yet so maybe that’s part of the problem for me.

I keep coming back to my verse for this year, Isaiah 26:3:

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in You.

You will keep me in perfect peace, Lord, because my mind is steadfast and trust in You. I choose to trust your plan for my life above all else. Align my heart with that vision because anything else, though it may seem good, isn’t your best for me. And that’s all I want because I know in the long run, it’s better than anything I could have envisioned or imagined. You are faithful, Lord, and true. In your name, Jesus, I pray and wait. Amen.

Comments 11

  1. I’m on your wave length Dineen with made up words that just seem fitting to use for the occasion. I’ve given up trying to find appropriate words. I’ve given up thinking what my future is supposed to be also. I know what I’d like it to be?…but if God doesn’t make it happen then I accept the fact He has a better plan and can’t wait to see what it is because frankly, what I want right now is pretty good right! 🙂 It’s exciting to see where He’s leading us!

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      Joanne, I take no credit! LOL! I hired a wonderful firm to do it for me since my skills in no way embrace web design. Plus, it was nice to be designed FOR for a change instead of being the designer. 🙂

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      I’m usually in that place, Joanne, but seem to be struggling at bit at this junction. Part of it is some old “junk” God is stirring up to clean house. I’m sure you can relate. It’s necessary but not so pleasant. 😉

  2. I can relate big time right now Dineen! I seem to be living Romans 7:15-24 and feeling uncomfortable.
    p.s. On a different note = Love how your shirt in your photo reflects the background on your page here. 🙂

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      LOL! We did that on purpose in the design. 🙂 There’s so much chaos right now. It’s driving me batty! The enemy is very busy at the moment and I haven’t a clue why. Yet! LOL! I just keep repeating Isaiah 26:3 and remembering that “he who is in me is greater!”

  3. I’m in that place right now! It’s really tormenting because I thought I had things mapped out. I’m facing a dilemma while trying to get out of the military. A) I have chosen after 13 years to get out of the military because I have evaded deploying as long as possible lol. I deployed before but after my husbands injury I could not. I have five small children and my husband lost his leg in 2010 after being hit by a drunk driver:-( We are a blessed family but I couldn’t stand to leave my children, or my husband for that matter.
    B) I cannot get out until Dec 2012. That is the end of my contract.
    Here’s where A+B does not equal C: I’m being forced to deploy away from my family until December! 6 months!!! Isn’t this crazy?! I have cried, prayed, evaded for so long and now there’s nothing left to do but let go:-( I’m devastated. I know God has a plan for me but I’m tremendously afraid of the unknown right now!!!

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      Oh my friend, I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you! Well, know that I am praying for you, and that I will keep praying. And we know that God is working for your good, Markeitha, as well as your family’s. My heart aches for you for all you’ve gone through already, but I know God will take care of all of you and equip you to do whatever he calls you to do. The unknown terrifies me too at times. I cling to Psalm 34:4 “I sought the Lord and her heard me and delivered me from all my fears.” He will do that for you!

      Will you keep me posted on how things are going? I want to stay in touch with you and support and encourage you through this time. Hugging you!

    2. Thanks so much Dineen! I will definitely keep you posted and I appreciate your prayers! I feel so blessed to have found your site, blog and book:-)

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